Doc’s Reviews for the Week of 3/11/2020 – Graham Crackers Comics

Doc’s Reviews for the Week of 3/11/2020



Finally, Marvel gets it! Telling a epic tale keyed to the early days of the Marvel Universe and getting Alan Brennert to write it and epic Golden Age Hero artist extraordinarre, Jerry Ordway to draw it! And what a story they tell! Filled with emotion, historical locations, and genuine pathos for not only the title character but for the whole cast including several members of the All-Winners Squadron. This is a beautiful book and should be checked out. I give it a 10 out of 10 Grahams.




There is something strangely interesting happening here. Being just another chapter in the “Next Big Thing” storyline, I should really be hating on this book. Another multidimentional ultimate villain, with another evil rival speedster, blah, blah, blah! Been there many times before. And after wasting the big issue 750 setting up future storylines instead of celebrating the history of the Flash, I really wasn’t expecting much. But Joshua Williamson manages to throw in enough to keep the story interesting. And even with the inevitable sorrowful cliffhanger, this part of the story manages to keep the reader’s interest. I give it a 7 out of 10 Grahams.




This one-shot fails to hit many of the marks it should have set for itself. While definately created to plug the Universus gaming sets (the book itelf includes two cards to enhance your decks) this seemed like a great little crossover book. Instead, we are given a on and off arena battle between various characters of the Zenescope universe. And many of them are wasted in more of a cameo role as battle fodder. All the characters seem in a hurry to get this story over. And while the ending is interesting, it never gets the focus it deserves and the reveal that the characters who die are actually alternate reality versions is a bit of a cop-out. For gamers only. I give it a 5 out of 10 Grahams.


Ahh, the good old days of comics! 64 pages of pulp fiction goodness. When after only one page of training, young Dick Grayson becomes Robin! Join Red Logan, the Crimson Avenger (before he was a member of the Seven Soldiers), Speed Saunders (before it was discovered he was related to Hawkgirl),Steve Malone, Cliff Crosby, and Slam Bradley as they share their adventures in this anthology title. Back when you got your money’s worth. This one is all good. I give it a 9 out of 10 Grahams.

