Hey!! Kids Comics – Graham Crackers Comics

Hey Kids! Comics, Industry and You!

This morning Booker, the three year old question machine that basically runs my life, asked me, “Daddy, why you go to Comics?” Apparently, my career has been distilled down to one word. What struck me is that’s exactly what an intoxicated girlfriend asked me sometime in 1989. I then realized that I was living in … Read more

The Siren Song of the Squeaky Rack or how to stop worrying and learn to love randomness

It’s difficult to imagine “Americans” as one large collective at this particular moment in time. There is however, one thing that all Americans do well…nostalgia. We have, as a country, totally passed Nostalgia 101 and are just skating through the AP Class.  Race, gender, religious beliefs, wearing fuzzy tails, all of our various tribes feel … Read more

Shawn’s comic reviews for 3/7/17

Action Comics #975

We review 3 comic titles this week, all given 8 out of 10 ratings, which should translate to ‘These are all books worth picking up’.  Let’s start out with Boom Studios newest title… GRASS KINGS #1 written by Matt Kindt  art by Tyler Jenkins Every week seems to bring us one of these really promising … Read more

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