Search help

Let's begin typing the title of whatever book you are looking for, let's say 'Iron Fist

you'll notice that a drop down box of titles appears as you type...

.the more you type, the more the search box will eliminate results that do not match your inquiry.

Move your mouse down to the title that you wanted to view the results for and click on it.

This is, by far, the fastest way to get an organized result of every copy we have available for a particular TITLE.
Our dropdown box will show you titles available on our site instantaneously as you type.

If you are only looking for one particular comic, and do NOT want to see the results for an entire title - simply type the title followed by the pound sign(#) and an issue number to view the book you are interested in:

typing Beautiful Stories for Ugly Children #19 will show you just one result:
Beautiful Stories for Ugly Children #19

Typing: Doc Savage #2 on the other hand, will get you results for multiple Doc Savage #2 comics that have come out.

Typing: HATE #3 will give you results for HATE #3 from Fantagraphics and the Marvel title Nextwave Agents of HATE #3, since both titles have the word HATE #3 in them