Kevin shopped with us. He worked for us. It kind of feels like forever now, but its only since 1999 in a 1997 Darien, 1989 Downers Grove sort of way. That means he has almost 19 years of experience to help get you what you want. Not enough? We agree! so we also have him work directly with Funko and NECA to bring you the coolest, latest, and sometimes rarest in Pops and action figures. Have a request? Tell the store you shop at to get in touch with Kevin, and he'll do what he can to get the items you want. Still not enough? We agree! so you can also use Kevin to find the comics you need. He's tracked down people who asked for items years ago (much to their surprise) when something is finally available. He'll also make sure that your store has us looking for your books as well. STILL not enough? We agree! He's now available on Mondays to clean your gutters while working from home. harder for these fine people. Without them, you don't have a job you fool! Harder...HARDER, we say!!!
ANTON ZANKER, His Beard's Agent on Earth Manager!
The man behind the beard is a beautiful and perfect human being who likes meeting nice people and talking to them about Marvel and Indy books, videogames, movies, music, and life in general. In his spare time, he likes to draw colorful pictures, eat junk food, and play with his dog, Jaxx. Anton and his beard started reading comics as teenagers, but they had no idea what they were doing. While they would occasionally read a quality story, they were too intimidated by some of the longer running, more established series and mostly just picked up books they thought looked cool. It wasn't until one fateful day eleven years ago, they met Kevin and were introduced to a little book called Civil War. Their life hasn't been the same since.
Andy whilst working at another book store was told a tale about the awesome store that is Graham Crackers Comics of Dekalb. Having been into superheroes and all things gaming, Andy was no stranger to comic and game shops in his life, but truly found something special in that little store on Lucinda. Starting humbly there as a part time employee, covering odds and ends and working whenever they needed someone, Andy has come to be the official coordinator of the Magic TCG events and runs the open game night on Monday Nights.