My First Comic with Alex S. – Graham Crackers Comics

My First Comic with Alex S.

My introduction to comics happened late in my life. I grew up watching Batman: The Animated Series, The 90’s X-Men cartoon, 90’s Spider-man and Power Rangers. Batman and Robin (specifically Robin) always resonated with me and I grew a deep love for the sidekicks. The first comic I ever received was for my 20th birthday. My uncle found a bunch of Robin items and in the bunch was Robin 3000, an Elseworlds title. It was an interesting read but the thing that stood out to me was the artwork. It was quintessential 90s. Since then, I’ve gathered just about every “So 90s” Robin cover I can find! Other loves for me include Harley Quinn (but I think she’s on everyone’s list!), Green Arrow, Teen Titans, Deadpool (again another obvious pick) and more recently, Saga!



Come visit Alex at the Graham Crackers Comics Andersonville location every Saturday and Sunday! (and make sure you ask him plenty of Robin related questions!)

