Doc’s Reviews for 03/27/18 – Graham Crackers Comics

Doc’s Reviews for 03/27/18


I’ll admit it, this issue’s classic cover is what caught this old man’s eye. Another traditional hour glass cover with the villain capturing the heroes in the sands of the hour glass. Inside however this story is all over the board. Ray Palmer shows up for a brief prelude and then ZAM! Chronos (getting some new clothes and bad ones at that) shows up with some Darkseid henchmen. Ahl, the god of super-heroes? And then back to the time of the dinosaurs? This one’s a bit confusing. Hoping I can get a better grasp on it with part 2. I give it a 6 out of 10 Grahams.



Blood, gore, and horror. If that’s your bag, then this is the title for you. Peek-a-Boo Gulch, Utah has just been turned into a cross between Slumber Party massacre and Camp Sleepaway. As of this first installment, we’ve got plenty of stupid campers, a group of insane unknowns with knives and baseball bats, and the tradition buckets o’ blood. And unfortunately, our traditional Zenescope hottie only appears on the cover of the C variant. Not a lot to work with here. I give it a 5 out of 10 Grahams.




And so(completely and utterly off schedule), the big wrap up finally is here! And what do we have here, hmmm. Our favorite Trinity heroes jump in the deep end, get some 10th Metal (It’s new and improved.) and armor everyone up. Bad guys lose and good guys light the way. The only thing of interest in all this is the concept that the Source Wall was not meant to stop us from going any further but was meant to hide us away from a never ending universe. Unfortunately, we broke it and now anything could happen. We need a new Justice League. Anyone got George Perez’s number on speed dial? I give it a 6 out of 10 Grahams. Luckily this came to an end game cause now we can move onto …



Mmmmmmmm, pancakes! Flashback to an abbreviated history of the new Rorschach. But unfortunately, all the bouncing back and forth really makes it confusing as to what is current and what is flashback. So while this issue fills in some of the backstory of what happened after the original series ended and now, it really doesn’t move the story along. A few good moments in Arkham do not make an epic. I give it a 5 out of 10 Grahams.





Another milestone since Marvel is back to it’s regular numbering system for the time being. Unfortunately, there is nothing new here. Daredevil plans against the Kingpin, the Kingpin plans against Daredevil. Super-heroes and villains get caught, the Hand shows up, and Daredevil is left in police custody trying to figure out how to get out and become the new mayor of New York. The secondary feature showing us the on and off relation between Matt and Foggy really reminded the readers why these two have been together for decades. I give it a 7 out of 10 Grahams.




Mystery’s a foot as the dead attack the Rough Riders as this third volume of the classic heroes of history’s heroes. What got released at the séance, why are the cursed coming after Roosevelt, and how can newest recruit H.P. Lovecraft help. All this and Edison pees himself! There is no reason why you shouldn’t be reading this book. I give it a 9 out of 10 Grahams.

