Last Official New Reviews From Doc’s Corner for the Week of 3/30/2020 – Graham Crackers Comics

Last Official New Reviews From Doc’s Corner for the Week of 3/30/2020

No. You haven’t missed a week. Don’t panic. With much of the world of comics shut down for the near future, we here at Doc’s Corner and Graham Crackers Comics realize that all of our favorite storylines have been left on a cliffhanger. So the brain trust here on our end, slapped on some inspirational music, opened up our collective emails, texts, and messengers and did what we do best … be creative! As always, this weekly blog will be made available both here at the Graham Crackers website and on Facebook (search Doc Schaefer). I want to not only thank all of our friends in the comic industry but all of the creators who have begun sending in on-line versions of their titles for reviews in the near future. Our plans include guest reviewers discussing comics they have and have not cared for, best-ofs (remember Doc’s been doing this for over ten years, we’ve got plenty to fall back on!), Flashback Reviews where we looks at comics from the long gone past, and looks at those wonderful independent comics!  So let’s get this party started with a look back at a few comics from last week that we missed!



While we are knee deep in the Flash’s Next Big Thing story, I have to give credit to Joshua Williamson for his cut and dry work through of the Barry in Heaven idea. Very little hoopla, no doubt in Barry’s mind that where he is is not what it is suppose to be, and more importantly no Sobby Sally moments where the main character hems and haws about bring a stop to the ideal future being presented to him.
Unfortunately, this does not help cover up some of the glaring gaps in believability that are found here. I have several questions that probably have no answers. Question 1: If Paradox is such a bad@ss about destroying the Flash legacy, why did he not kill Barry? Why send him to a place where he was living out a heavenly scenario? Now I hear the fans screaming that the world was a deathtrap long term but that still doesn’t make sense. If I’m a super-villain with the ability to end the legacy of the Flash, I’m not going to go long term and hope he’s not smart enough to figure it out.
Question 2: In this strange limbo world that is slowly killing him, How is Barry able to super speed jerry rig, not only a set of armor to help him survive but a Batman worthy set of monitors that give him access to all of time and space? And then on top of that, a Cosmic Treadmill?! I mean, I know that Barry is a smart guy but this is just to far-fetched.
Question 3: Why does everything these days come back to Zoom?! Remember the good old days, where Zoom was just an evil Reverse-Flash with opposite colors. Of course you don’t! If you did, you’d be like me scratching your head trying to figure out how opposite Flash became this ultimate unstoppable (even in death) psycho-killer. I’m willing to let somethings slide by in the telling of a good story but this one has some massive holes in it. I give it 5 out of 10 Grahams.




Wow! Simply Wow! The tale Sean McArdle, Dexter Wee, and Jon Judy intend to tell us is overwhelming! And historically accurate or not, is an amazing blend fact and humor determined to keep you turning the page. From this first issue alone, it is easy to see why it was nominated for an Eisner Award.
Whether Chaplin is thwarting Nazi soldiers, annoying Errol Flynn, or stumbling around naked in front of FDR (!), Chaplin’s characterization is instantly likable. The characters that surround Chaplin himself fill their purposes in the story fully. With the idea of the movie The Great Dictator being the goal insight, it looks to be five issues of fun and excitement in-between! I give it a 10 out of 10 Grahams.




Bit of a history lesson here. American Mythology sends us back in time to a era I definitely lived through. In 1972, DC Comics obtained the right to the animated versions of classic comedy team Laurel and Hardy. The animated versions were owned by Larry Harmon who also owned the rights to the animated version of Bozo the Clown. Basically the book was reprinted material from a UK comic series but featured a new story new cover by industry legends Mike Sekowsky, Henry Scarpelli, and John Albano.
While there exists a cover for an issue 2 featuring Clark Kent/Superman and there was an ad for a “coming soon” DC Digest comic, DC almost immediately lost the rights. But they have resurfaced at American Mythology and we get another look at the 1972 first and only Laurel and Hardy comic DC produced. Much like their Three Stooges series of comics, Laurel and Hardy seem to be the next old school comedy team to be making a come back. With this companion issue to their Laurel and Hardy meet the Three Stooges book, American Mythology is one issue further than DC ever got! See what we were all reading in 1972! It was a more simpler time. I give it 10 out of 10 Grahams.



FINALLY! Somebody gets it! Even if this is a way to keep a title copywrite and throw an extra title into their 100 page series, the folks at DC have finally taken my advise. (Probably not but at least someone on their end has come up with the same ideas I’ve been spouting ever since they started this 100 page Giant theme.) From Beyond the Unknown brings together a wonderful mix of classic stories with new materials and it’s nothing you would have expected. Starting off with a new Green Lantern tale by Dave Wielgosz and Kenneth Rocafort. Follow that up with a new tale of Jack Kirby’s Kamandi, the Last Boy on Earth by Tom Sniegoski and Eric Gapstur. Then be prepared for a new tale featuring the 1970’s-1980’s version of the Legion of Super-Heroes! With Dan Jurgens and Norm Rapmund at the helm, Dawnstar has never looked more statuesque, the Legion Espionage Squad has never been sneakier, and Brainiac 5 has never looked smarter. This IS my Legion! Then give me a back to back team-up extravaganza featuring Superman and Adam Strange from the pages of DC Comics Presents #3 (1978) and Batman and the Metal Men from Brave and the Bold #113 (1974) featuring such comic icons as Bob Haney, Jim Aparo, David Michelinie, and Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez! Then end it on a brief tale of the Green Lantern Corps by Alan Moore, Bill Willingham, and Terry Austin. The 100 Page Giant series has reached it’s full potential! (Still taking partial credit until I get a cease and desist letter from DC. Smiley Face Emoji!) I give it the first ever 10+ Grahams!


