Graham Crackers Comics now in Sandwich, IL – Graham Crackers Comics

Graham Crackers Comics now in Sandwich, IL

We recently moved our website/warehouse operations from Plainfield, IL (don’t worry there’s still a physical store in Plainfield, IL) – to a MUCH larger facility in Sandwich, IL.

While the new location is more than double the old space, it, unfortunately, does not have room for a dedicated stand-alone store.  But that doesn’t mean you still can’t buy new & old comics in Sandwich IL if you happen to live nearby.   Our website is set up with all of our new & old products for you to shop from.   Put whatever you like in the cart, and you’ll be able to pick it up in person at the Sandwich, IL facility.  At check out, please select pick up at store, and make sure you select the Sandwich, IL.  warehouse.

Located at 624 W. Center Street, directly across the street from the Sandwich Fair Grounds, the building that will have your order waiting for you is clearly marked, making it easy for you to know where to pick up your books.   Upon entering, you’ll find a reception desk to your immediate right – let them know your name and they’ll hand you your order.   Please note, your order DOES still need to be physically pulled, so you can’t just place an order and show up 5 minutes later expecting it to be ready.  We’re juggling multiple orders at any given time, but feel free to call first to make sure your order is ready, or to let us know what time you were planning on swinging by.   If we’re able we will move you up the priority list and get your order gathered in time for your arrival.

With more space, and more product to log into our website than ever before, we’re needing more hands on deck as well.   Live in Sandwich, Plano, Lake Holiday?  if you’re looking for a part-time gig that can work around your lifes schedule, please reach out to us at or call us at 815-556-2704 and schedule a time to drop in and be interviewed.  It’s processing comics (bagging and boarding them), pulling orders, packing orders, and shipping orders.  Nothing glamorous, but if you love comics and enjoy working with them, it can be a blast.




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