Doc’s Reviews For the Week of July 13th 2022 – Graham Crackers Comics

Doc’s Reviews For the Week of July 13th 2022


To be honest, I really don’t care what is inside Area 51. However, what I do care about is the amazing artwork (rightfully referred to as Illustrations on the inside cover) of Nahuel Lopez. From extensive perspective driven warehouse scenes to over head shots of luxury housing above the shores of Malibu, this art is exceptional. Heck, even the atrractive collection of women in skin tight outfits are ok. (Insert smiling face emoji here) And when you are done oogling Lopez’s art and Gaston Zubeldia’s color pallet, take the time to actually read the words on the page because Murphey and Aaron Sparrow’s story is very entertaining. Falling somewhere between dialog from the 1966 Batman TV show and a 1980’s B-movie, this one is a fun read. But by far the whole show is stolen by the completely over the top villianess, Katfight. I mean, really, a lifesize cat carrier as a prison for Miss Meow! Outrageous! Especially when given the full blown alternate cover by Ariel Diaz! This one delivered a lot more than I was expecting. Creators Jamie Tyndall, Shawn Hudachko, and Murphey have a lot to be proud of here. I give it a 9 out of 10 Grahams.


Joshua Williamson’s story has completely sideways and become a lot more interesting. Some of the Rogues are dead and Len’s plan is in shambles! Trapped in Gorilla City with little chance of escape! And here is where we go slightly askew as their desperation causes them to break character. I have always said that the family like atmosphere that the Flash’s Rogues Gallery shared is what made them stand head and shoulders above Superman’s or Batman’s. But while understandable due to the circumstances, the Rogues have become real people and that was not what I wanted to see. Heck, I’m still trying to accept that somehow Bronze Tiger got accepted into the group. An interesting story just became more interesting but the shine has been dulled in my eyes. I give it a 7 out of 10 Grahams.





The rabbit hole that is Super Comics is a fascinating deep dive. Random issue numbers, questionable rights issues, mysterious origins make their story worthy of a future blog but right now we are looking at Kiddie Kapers. Simply a reprint book featuring such funny animal characters s Soopermutt, King Karrot, L’il Joe, and Solly Squirrel, these tales are very generic and have that sort of timeless humor that many funny animal titles of the 1940’s and 50’s had. We know that at least the Soopermutt story comes from Animal Adventures #2 (1954) from Timor Publishing. Amuzing and well drawn for the time, the art is reminiscent of the early days of Warner Brothers. Unfortunately, the story behind the book is much more interesting than the book itself. I give it a 6 out of 10 Grahams.

