Cyberforce #6 (2006)

Cyberforce #6 (2006)

Written by Ron Marz, art and cover by Pat Lee.
The first story arc roars to its climax as the reunited Cyberforce battles a god-like alien race intent on destroying the Earth! At least one member of the team won't survive the battle. Who will it be? Ripclaw? Velocity? Impact? Heatwave? And will the sacrifice of one be enough to save the lives of the others? Find out who lives and who dies as the acclaimed team of Ron Marz and Pat Lee conclude the first unforgettable storyline of the all-new Cyberforce.
Written by Ron Marz, art and cover by Pat Lee.
The first story arc roars to its climax as the reunited Cyberforce battles a god-like alien race intent on destroying the Earth! At least one member of the team won't survive the battle. Who will it be? Ripclaw? Velocity? Impact? Heatwave? And will the sacrifice of one be enough to save the lives of the others? Find out who lives and who dies as the acclaimed team of Ron Marz and Pat Lee conclude the first unforgettable storyline of the all-new Cyberforce.