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Star Wars Life Day #1

Star Wars Life Day #1


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(W) Cavan Scott, More
(A) Ivan Fiorelli, More
(CA) Phil Noto

THE GALAXY'S FAVORITE HOLIDAY! Happy LIFE DAY! Celebrate the galaxy's favorite holiday with a collection of festive tales from all across the STAR WARS SAGA! Life Day is the last thing on HAN SOLO'S mind when he and CHEWBACCA find themselves outgunned and under fire. But Chewie won't give up hope, remembering the lessons of Life Days past and present. As for Life Days yet to come... well, they'll have to survive the night first! RATED T
Date Available: 11/17/2021


Three stories and a framing device do not a comic make. From the oh so off Han on the cover done by the normally reliable Phil Noto, you'll suspect you're getting a comic worthy of the Star Wars Holiday Special. When you're right, don't say you weren't warned.

The good, as it were: The art by Georges Jeanty and Paul Fry ranges from good to excellent. Fry in particular has implied texture in wookie fur that could be used to demonstrate how badly it has been drawn in the past. Illustration demos are not why we're here though.

The bad, as it stands: The first Life Day story features hundreds of creatures being killed. Happy Life Day! Maybe a story featuring Jedi could be used to show that we can all live in peace together if we figure out how to do that.

The art in the third story is...a choice. Kei Zama has a style that looks like Lenil Francis Yu inking himself, but instead of actually pencilling, he's been wearing a blindfold and taking dictation. Under those conditions, it would really be an accomplishment.

The framing story has the worst art of the bunch.

The ugly, as we move forward: People are celebrating Life Day now. It was last week. Marvel couldn't even get this book out timed to the actual holiday. You're better of looking up the Boba Fett cartoon and Bea Arthur song from the original if you want to enjoy yourself and Life Day at the same time. There's too much Star Wars right now, and too much good Star Wars, to fall for this cheap cash grab.

Kevin Healy 3 out of 10 GRAHAMS

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