Savage Strength Of Starstorm #6 cover c craig walking dead 20th anniversary team up variant

Savage Strength Of Starstorm #6 cover c craig walking dead 20th anniversary team up variant

(W) Drew Craig
(A) Drew Craig, Jason Finestone
(CA) Drew Craig
WAR! The remaining Heroes of Earth have banded together for a last stand against the invaders of the Draigonian Empire. Starstorm and his companions are tasked by the mysterious warrior known as Ren with using the Starstorm weapon to turn the tide and restore freedom to the galaxy. Earth's fate lies in the balance.
Date Available: 10/18/2023
(W) Drew Craig
(A) Drew Craig, Jason Finestone
(CA) Drew Craig
WAR! The remaining Heroes of Earth have banded together for a last stand against the invaders of the Draigonian Empire. Starstorm and his companions are tasked by the mysterious warrior known as Ren with using the Starstorm weapon to turn the tide and restore freedom to the galaxy. Earth's fate lies in the balance.
Date Available: 10/18/2023
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