Irredeemable #11 (2009) incentive cover

Irredeemable #11 (2009) incentive cover

(W) Mark Waid
(A) Peter Krause
Discover more behind the winged behomoth known as Gilgamos, as the newly empowered Charybdis leads The Paradigm into their first real victory! Don't miss BOOM!'s bestselling apocalyptic superhero ongoing by multiple Eisner Award-winning Kingdom Come and Empire author Mark Waid. Covers by Paul Azaceta and Dan Panosian.
Date Available: 02/24/2010
BONUS REVIEW by Shanna Berry

With the failing economy, I have an even higher standard for comics that I spend my hard-earned money on. This series is one that I feel not only satisfied as money well spent, but holy crap it’s the best entertainment to make its way into my brain all month! Every comic book writer needs to read Irredeemable to remind them why comics are awesome. Every issue slaps the reader with some new dynamic, and every issue, every single panel, is necessary to the evolution of the story. Just when you think it might slow down it goes deeper into the insane history of this hero gone mad, or elaborates on a previous piece of trivia making it a huge revelation. Waid is a mastermind, constructing what is my new favorite comic
I give it 10 out of 10 Grahams
(W) Mark Waid
(A) Peter Krause
Discover more behind the winged behomoth known as Gilgamos, as the newly empowered Charybdis leads The Paradigm into their first real victory! Don't miss BOOM!'s bestselling apocalyptic superhero ongoing by multiple Eisner Award-winning Kingdom Come and Empire author Mark Waid. Covers by Paul Azaceta and Dan Panosian.
Date Available: 02/24/2010
BONUS REVIEW by Shanna Berry

With the failing economy, I have an even higher standard for comics that I spend my hard-earned money on. This series is one that I feel not only satisfied as money well spent, but holy crap it’s the best entertainment to make its way into my brain all month! Every comic book writer needs to read Irredeemable to remind them why comics are awesome. Every issue slaps the reader with some new dynamic, and every issue, every single panel, is necessary to the evolution of the story. Just when you think it might slow down it goes deeper into the insane history of this hero gone mad, or elaborates on a previous piece of trivia making it a huge revelation. Waid is a mastermind, constructing what is my new favorite comic
I give it 10 out of 10 Grahams