Immortal Thor #3 (2023) camuncoli super stories variant

Immortal Thor #3 (2023) camuncoli super stories variant

(W) Al Ewing
(A) Martin Coccolo
(CA) Giuseppe Camuncoli
THOR IN THE WILDERNESS! As Toranos hunted him across the stars, the Odinson found himself trapped - marooned in a puzzle the size of a planet. In this place, the All-Father's crown - and even his own godly strength - availed him nothing. What power, then, would save him? This is the story of THE IMMORTAL THOR...and the time of the Trickster's Test.
Date Available: 10/25/2023
(W) Al Ewing
(A) Martin Coccolo
(CA) Giuseppe Camuncoli
THOR IN THE WILDERNESS! As Toranos hunted him across the stars, the Odinson found himself trapped - marooned in a puzzle the size of a planet. In this place, the All-Father's crown - and even his own godly strength - availed him nothing. What power, then, would save him? This is the story of THE IMMORTAL THOR...and the time of the Trickster's Test.
Date Available: 10/25/2023
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