Home / Giant Robot Hellboy #1 cover a
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Normally you need a human as the conduit in a Hellboy story. They give the reader something to relate to on a level they understand. In Giant Robot Hellboy, the reader gets Hellboy himself as that conduit, and that makes all the difference.
He doesn't know what's happening. We don't know what's happening. Bliss.
What IS happening? Hellboy has been kidnapped, knocked out, and wakes up fused to a Giant Robot version of himself. Kidnapped by who? Don't know, even when the issue is done. Fused how? Don't know, even when the issue is done. Does it matter? No, probably not. A very welcome return to Hellboy for The Wild Hunt artist Duncan Fegredo. Its fun, its confusing, its really beautifully drawn, and you don't need to know anything about Hellboy to enjoy it (so far).