Evil Ernie Special Limited Edition CBCS 7.0 signed by brian pulido

Evil Ernie Special Limited Edition CBCS 7.0 signed by brian pulido

CBCS 7.0
Signed by Brian Pulido
Sketches on front & back
BONUS REVIEW by Gavin Rehfeldt

Off the bat, I would read anything Sean Murphy draws, and his detailed execution of the diverse imagery here is excellent. However, sadly, that's the only element to strongly recommend in Chrononauts #1. There are interesting ideas here, but Millar can come off as smirking and immature sometimes. The characterization of the smugly self-satisfied bros at the center of the series is largely unappealing. I want to follow the story of the background ex-wife. The cynical attitude is further emphasized by the reactions of the public to the momentous occasion taking place on their televisions--some of which are amusing, including an elderly woman holding up a convenience store. There's a point at which sharp sneering wit crosses over to nastiness and that's where Chrononauts currently feels comfortable. Still, you see some fantastic stuff from Murphy, most notably a temple harboring an unusual discovery which symbolizes the potential of this book yet to be realized.

I give it 6 out of 10 Grahams

CBCS 7.0
Signed by Brian Pulido
Sketches on front & back
BONUS REVIEW by Gavin Rehfeldt

Off the bat, I would read anything Sean Murphy draws, and his detailed execution of the diverse imagery here is excellent. However, sadly, that's the only element to strongly recommend in Chrononauts #1. There are interesting ideas here, but Millar can come off as smirking and immature sometimes. The characterization of the smugly self-satisfied bros at the center of the series is largely unappealing. I want to follow the story of the background ex-wife. The cynical attitude is further emphasized by the reactions of the public to the momentous occasion taking place on their televisions--some of which are amusing, including an elderly woman holding up a convenience store. There's a point at which sharp sneering wit crosses over to nastiness and that's where Chrononauts currently feels comfortable. Still, you see some fantastic stuff from Murphy, most notably a temple harboring an unusual discovery which symbolizes the potential of this book yet to be realized.

I give it 6 out of 10 Grahams