Detective Comics #1067 cover a

Detective Comics #1067 cover a

(W) Ram V
(A) Ivan Reis
(CA) Evan Cagle
Mr. Freeze encounters an Azmer, one of the demonic beings terrorizing Gotham's villainous underground network, and then Mr. Freeze makes an offer to the Dark Detective that he cannot refuse. Then, the Orgham's werewolf protector gives Two-Face one more chance to tell him who Batman is. In the backup story, take a stroll inside Two-Face and Harvey Dent's mind as they try to have a secret conversation outside the listening ears of a mysterious shadow stalking them in this headspace...
Date Available: 12/27/2022
BONUS REVIEW by Doc Schaefer

Ram V has proven that he knows Mr. Freeze (or do you say Mr. Zero?” better than anyone. Whatever else is being set up in the backround with werewolves and Two-Face, etc. comes in a distant second to the eight pages feature the interaction between Batman and Victor. When he compared Batman’s love of Gotham to his love of Nora, it is truly touching. There is no fight, no one goes to jail, and in the end Batman leaves Victor to his frozen underworld. The rest of the book is fine but that interaction brings it up to a 9 out of 10 Grahams.

I give it 9 out of 10 Grahams

(W) Ram V
(A) Ivan Reis
(CA) Evan Cagle
Mr. Freeze encounters an Azmer, one of the demonic beings terrorizing Gotham's villainous underground network, and then Mr. Freeze makes an offer to the Dark Detective that he cannot refuse. Then, the Orgham's werewolf protector gives Two-Face one more chance to tell him who Batman is. In the backup story, take a stroll inside Two-Face and Harvey Dent's mind as they try to have a secret conversation outside the listening ears of a mysterious shadow stalking them in this headspace...
Date Available: 12/27/2022
BONUS REVIEW by Doc Schaefer

Ram V has proven that he knows Mr. Freeze (or do you say Mr. Zero?” better than anyone. Whatever else is being set up in the backround with werewolves and Two-Face, etc. comes in a distant second to the eight pages feature the interaction between Batman and Victor. When he compared Batman’s love of Gotham to his love of Nora, it is truly touching. There is no fight, no one goes to jail, and in the end Batman leaves Victor to his frozen underworld. The rest of the book is fine but that interaction brings it up to a 9 out of 10 Grahams.

I give it 9 out of 10 Grahams

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