30 Days of Night Spreading the Disease #3 (2006) cover b

30 Days of Night Spreading the Disease #3 (2006) cover b

Written by Dan Wickline, art by Alex Sanchez, covers by Nat Jones and Sanchez.
Agent Michael Henson follows the clues found in Dinah King's apartment and finds himself at a southern church revival meeting where he is made a horrific offer. How this ties into the death of the Icarus crew begins to unfold. Meanwhile, two girls head out to a late-night rave in the warehouse district only to discover more than just a swinging nightlife.
Written by Dan Wickline, art by Alex Sanchez, covers by Nat Jones and Sanchez.
Agent Michael Henson follows the clues found in Dinah King's apartment and finds himself at a southern church revival meeting where he is made a horrific offer. How this ties into the death of the Icarus crew begins to unfold. Meanwhile, two girls head out to a late-night rave in the warehouse district only to discover more than just a swinging nightlife.