Transformers Best of UK Dinobots #2 b

Transformers Best of UK Dinobots #2 b

Simon Furman (w); Barry Kitson (a); Nick Roche (c)
The DINOBOT hunt begins here! The DINOBOTS are unleashed and out of control. OPTIMUS PRME must rally the AUTOBOTS in order contain the likes of GRIMLOCK, SWOOP, SLAG, SNARL, and SLUDGE before it is too late and innocent lives are endangered. Nick Roche once again provides an all-new cover re-creating a classic scene from the issue!
Simon Furman (w); Barry Kitson (a); Nick Roche (c)
The DINOBOT hunt begins here! The DINOBOTS are unleashed and out of control. OPTIMUS PRME must rally the AUTOBOTS in order contain the likes of GRIMLOCK, SWOOP, SLAG, SNARL, and SLUDGE before it is too late and innocent lives are endangered. Nick Roche once again provides an all-new cover re-creating a classic scene from the issue!