Fear Agent #23 (2007)

Fear Agent #23 (2007)

Rick Remender (W), Tony Moore (P), and Lee Loughridge (C)
Shot in the back and lost on a barren desert world, Heath Huston is on the lam, pursued by a pack of killers. Rescued and brought in by a local mining camp, Heath must choose between protecting his new benefactors from a vicious tyrant and the last chance to return to his life on Earth.
Rick Remender (W), Tony Moore (P), and Lee Loughridge (C)
Shot in the back and lost on a barren desert world, Heath Huston is on the lam, pursued by a pack of killers. Rescued and brought in by a local mining camp, Heath must choose between protecting his new benefactors from a vicious tyrant and the last chance to return to his life on Earth.