Dragon Cross #7 (2007)

Dragon Cross #7 (2007)

by Richardson, Kaufman, Smith, & Maranto
"Sound and Fury." Searching for the motives of the dragon council, Vashti discovers her life and Talon's are tied together. Vashti has earned many enemies and few friends within the council. Her family members' loyalties are called into question, when she discovers the truth behind the brotherhood of the wing and the Dragoncross.
by Richardson, Kaufman, Smith, & Maranto
"Sound and Fury." Searching for the motives of the dragon council, Vashti discovers her life and Talon's are tied together. Vashti has earned many enemies and few friends within the council. Her family members' loyalties are called into question, when she discovers the truth behind the brotherhood of the wing and the Dragoncross.